Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) Training: DOT Qualified

$125.00 (seat)

Upon completion of this professional-level course, the BAT will be qualified to perform breath alcohol testing in accordance with DOT regulations laid out in 49 CFR Part 40, using best practices and meeting all industry standards for excellence. Device proficiency training and mock trials are not included in the online portion of this course. Contact the device manufacturer directly to obtain a list of qualified trainers on the specific device to complete the proficiency and mock portions of the course. 

Upon completion of this professional-level course, the BAT will be qualified to perform breath alcohol testing in accordance with DOT regulations laid out in 49 CFR Part 40, using best practices and meeting all industry standards for excellence.

To become a DOT-qualified technician, students must complete three required phases of training:

  1. Training in the required processes and procedures for breath alcohol testing under 49 CFR Part 40 (contained in this online course).
  2. Proficiency training in the operation of the Evidentiary Breath Test device(s) the student will be using to perform breath alcohol testing. Note: It is important to have selected the EBT device you will be using for testing prior to starting training. Contact the device manufacturer for a list of certified trainers qualified to provide proficiency training for the specific device. 
  3. Demonstration of proficiency through the successful completion of seven error-free mock alcohol tests under the supervision of a qualified trainer.

Device proficiency training and mock trials are not included in the online portion of this course. You must contact a Certified Trainer within 30 days of completing the online class to complete these. The Certified Trainer will instruct you on the use of a specific device and perform the mock trials. The cost of device-specific training with the mocks varies depending on the trainer and the time required. For a list of certified trainers who are qualified to provide proficiency training for a specific device, please contact your device manufacturer directly. 

Please note, course enrollment expires six months from the date of purchase. However, you will retain access to your account in the learning system and all certificates of completion.  

Purchase Instructions
  1. Name your class. This is for record-keeping purposes only. Give your class a name that makes sense to you and helps you keep track of who is taking the class. Note: If you are purchasing the training for another student, you will have to manually transfer the course to that student once you have purchased it. View the Instructions Page for guidance.
  2. Are you taking this course? If so, check the Take up a seat box. If you are purchasing the training for someone else, do not check the box.

Number of Seats: